
Apex classe Details
Name VlocityErrorLoggingService
Label omnistudio.VlocityErrorLoggingService
Namespace Prefix omnistudio
Status Active
Api Version 60
Apex Code
This file is generated and isn't the actual source code for this
managed global class.
This read-only file shows the class's global constructors,
methods, variables, and properties.
To enable code to compile, all methods return null.
global class VlocityErrorLoggingService {
    global VlocityErrorLoggingService() {

    global static void doGet() {

    global static void doPost() {

    global static void finishErrorLoggingSession(String errorLoggingKey) {

    global static void logError(String errorLoggingData) {

    global static Map<String,Object> logErrorJsonList(String errorLoggingDataList) {
        return null;
    global static Map<String,Object> logErrorStringData(String data) {
        return null;
    global static Map<String,Object> logError(List<Map<String,Object>> errorLoggingDataList) {
        return null;
    global static Map<String,Object> logError(List<Map<String,Object>> errorLoggingDataList, Boolean isCommit) {
        return null;
    global static Map<String,Object> logError(String sourceType, String sourceName, Object data) {
        return null;
    global static void logError(Map<String,Object> errorLoggingDataMap) {

    global static String startErrorLogSession() {
        return null;